Willemiens Treasure Corner (1)

It had been a remarkable day, yesterday. After realizing the true meaning of my Repair Cafee Poetic Plan C, I had felt the need to take the leap, to overcome my threshhold fear and – at least try to – sing a Lovepoem for Willemien right from the bottom of my/Our gratefull Heart. I had done that in this Journal years ago. So this excercise in creative expression did not come out of the blue. Nevertheless this time it would be different, definitely.
In preparation I searched  a picture of my Dearest Muse. So, for the first time after her sudden death, I opened the cupboard with Our analogue collection of albums. All chronologically put in order. Unbelievable, because of all the attentive work she left behind. Accessible in an wellordered way. Periodic, thematic and personal. So I could trace a fitting picture in her ballet album. She had been so passionately involved in her dancing, also later together with Our Little Mischa.
But this first confrontation with our past in fotoalbums was heavy. Even where I took out only a short period, some years before we partly moved to Germany. Such a different kind of looking back, without telling and asking each other. And after that I moved on the Music we used to play while doing our morning excercises. I loved to go with that flow, in spite of the painfull moments.
Today I have been busy preparing a next Tyny step: transforming that picture of my Beautifull Muse into Acryl painting on paper. In order to make my tools accessible I had to look into Willemiens Atelier. Unbelievable to see how carefully and attentively She has stored all those precious ‘things’ She collected and used as basic material for her playfull exercises and experiments. As a first glimpse of these treasures She had to leave behind, in Heartfelt Gratitude, this simple picture of today.

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