Nicktor's news

By Nicktor


I've just realised why I feel quite tired.  I was up and out fairly promptly to go to the supermarket and on the way back I noticed a wonderful spread of wild garlic.  So I did what I assume most people would do and stopped to pick a carrier bag full.  Home to rustle up some wild garlic soup for lunch and enough left over for some wild garlic pesto for the weekend.  A lovely five mile walk before heading home to watch some of the T20 cricket game before heading back to the kitchen to make chicken burgers and chips for tea.

I had a moment of great excitement when one of the Shots players rang me during our walk.  This is a wonderful new initiative from the club to keep season ticket holders in contact with the club during these strange times when we're not allowed to go and watch the team play.  I have to say I like it and think the club should keep on doing as much of this as they can.  And well done to our young midfielder Alfy Whittingham for being confident enough to phone an old fart that you don't know from Adam and being able to hold a decent conversation with him!  I'm impressed.....

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