View from work (Day 2126)

An early start this morning to catch the boat across to Sanday for a fairly busy day.
The job was discussed via messages and emails so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. First on the list was connecting a new water main for a shed. Which would have been easier if the customer had known where the mains stopcock was. Once I found it, it was relatively straightforward. Next was changing a tiny radiator for a mahoosive "designer" thing, then a radiator removed and a mahoosive designer towel rail fitted. Finally I removed and re-piped a radiator so I could move it 6 inches along the wall which made it sit centrally between a couple of windows.
Filling the system went ok, and I was back to the pier to catch the boat on plenty of time. I am now watching the boat docking and looking forward to getting home to my beautiful wife

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