All Saints Church Ledsham Yorkshire

It is almost as old as ours in Kippax, it has lots of history. They used to have a Summer fair in the village until about 3 years ago when those that organised it felt they were getting too old to do it so retired and no one came forward to offer to take over so no more fairs which is a shame as there were dog shows, birds of pray flying demonstrations, craft stalls in a large marque, vintage vehicles show lots of stalls and entertainment for the kiddies all on a large field. the main street was lined with stalls selling everything from books to sweets to paintings etc traffic was diverted so it was safe. and the church always had a flower festival with a different theme each year for instance Famous Women, Films, Music Animals etc it was lovely and a book was also issued with lots of local information and articles in. Such a shame it had to stop. Of course it would have been curtailed last year because of the pandemic but we all missed it the previous year.

Unfortunately on Wednesday when we were out in the car there was a sudden bang and we thought we had hit a stone but nothing was around, then today Paula said "listen" and when she turned the steering wheel it was making a scraping noise, so we called in at No 1 sons garage and he checked it out and we have a broken spring, so it has to go in on Monday to be fixed, apparently that is what went bang. 
No 1 son is going for his covid vaccine Saturday, whereas No 2 son is worried because he says a lot of his work colleagues have had to have 2 or 3 days off with illness after theirs and he cant afford to loose the pay, but as I said they are probably playing on it to have time off because not many people I know have had much more than a sore arm.

A pleasant day today, mild but overcast


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