Comic Relief Noses

Comic Relief 2021 reached its climax last night with the fundraising TV show.

These are the noses we've collected over the last few weeks from a certain supermarket whose name begins with "S"* (they put them next to the checkout so, like sweets, they were hard to resist!). It's such a lovely afternoon that they asked to be photographed out in the garden, in the sunshine.

I put the one called "Chief" in the centre, flanked by "Snail" on the left of the photo and "Daisy" on the right. There were a total of 10 different ones but we only ended up with only 3 but at least they were all different - they were in individual cardboard boxes so you didn't know which one you'd get.

(Note: This year the noses are said to be plastic-free and can be recycled back at the shop but not in doorstep recycling.)

It's not a formal "Silly Saturday" today but I reckon they justify being tagged.

(* Other supermarket chains are available.)

(Apologies that I'm a very poor at commenting on blips at the moment. I'm giving a Zoom talk at our camera club on Tuesday about the trip to China we had in September 2019 - Pre-Covid! -  and preparing for it is taking up a lot of my spare time!)

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