Anemone nemorosa

After croissant, coffee and the crossword, I finally replied to an email I’d put off for 5 days. It was the sort of email that won’t make the slightest difference to the outcome I don’t want, but I felt I needed to express my displeasure anyway. Hey ho.

After lunch we crossed over to the woodland opposite the entrance to our road, to do some litter picking. It’s a lovely little wood but the litter has been irritating me for some time and I realised that if I didn’t like looking at it I had better clear it up. We filled two bags; one of litter and one of recycling. And we haven’t finished yet.

It was by no means all bad though. Lovely and quiet; we could hear just sweet birdsong and the wood anemones were pretty alongside the promise of many bluebells to come.

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