The day to start is today

By Traci

You are never too old

to learn something stupid.

I noticed a youngster looking really down this afternoon (having real friendship issues) and actually had the time to sit and talk to him, through his tears he seemed pleased I could just take the time to listen. How often it seems we are just not able to, not properly, not to the extent that they need. That is the most frustrating part of what I do, giving any time to the children when it's all about 'progress' and putting more ticks in more and more boxes, getting those results.

On the way home I felt better catching a glimse of that blue sky we are all chatting about and missing from our lives at the moment. The pair of swans that hide along the rhynes were there, haven't seen them for a little while so delighted they are ok. I, (carefully!!) watched a buzzard glide across the road infront of me. Perfect view, perfect lighting, sadly unable to multitask today, but I will see him and quite a few others of them round here flying around as it gets warmer. Going to or from work I regularly see 3 or 4 sat on the top of the trees or on top of the telegraph posts. When we are at our luckiest we can see them circling up up up onto the thermals and then dive onto some unsuspecting prey down in the fields behind our house - stunning.

This evening we headed of down to Weston and waited to see the first warmish looking sunset seen by us in too long. It was great just to sit on the sea wall and even if slightly chilly, not the worst way to end the day.

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