
By Cailleach

What a card(inal).....

Round to Doris' house after work to wish Mrs D a happy birthday. (You know you've been Blipified when you deliberately choose a card you think might look good in a photo....)

The discussion turned to the continuing saga of the cardinal. I told the Dorises about a programme I'd heard on the radio this morning, where some rampant homophobe was ranting on about how gay men just 'want to ram it down other people's throats' (an unfortunate turn of phrase, I thought) and Doris said it reminded him of a Limerick....

'There was an old monk in Siberia,
whose existence had grown ever drearier.
'Til one day, with a yell,
he leapt up from his cell,
and eloped with the Mother Superior!'

Highbrow birthday chat or what!

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