My gran

Been going through one of the boxes I brought from my dad's at the weekend. Although it is a sad thing to have to do, I am fascinated by anything old and family related, always have been. Didn't have time to look in any detail at the pile of photos and little books while we were cleaning up so have had an hour of browsing tonight.

This is an autograph book which was my Gran's - she was called Harriet Parkes until she married when she became a Golding. There are various verses and amusing little notes from friends in it, and I'm not sure if it was when she left school or when she left a job but it is all dated 1922. I will have to check back on the family tree (which one day I will finish) to work out her age then as I can't remember when she was born.

I can see now where my Mum got her artistic talent from, which I blipped here

Thought it would be nice to add the photo of my Gran too

She died when I was only 5 or 6 so I don't have many memories but do remember that when we visited her in Liverpool she always had a book and a handknitted jumper for us.

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