Thank You Postcard

... to our GP.  She was the one who had set up the clinic we go to, and now that clinic has been taken over by a larger medical facility.  The staff will still be there, but she has decided to retire.  This was one of the postcards I bought in Varanasi last year (goodness... feels like half a decade ago as so much has changed since then) and I thought to express our thanks for all the care and attention shown to us since we moved here in May 2017.  Of course, the clinic was closed, so AW dropped it into their mailbox, which was inside the gate, but his arms are longer than mine.  That took care of our stroll for the day as well.

The weather hasn't been encouraging.  Spent the time on my MOOC and updating my research, AW relaxed watching Investigation Discovery and Nat Geo.  He's more the TV guy.  I did suggest bridge with Marie, but he pointed out that he already plays bridge all five weekdays, so a bridge-free weekend was good.  No chatting with Mimi except for 'good morning' and such, which we both find amusing due to time zone differences.  For the first time in months, the grandchildren are able to play outside and she's able to 'get out of the house'.

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