What a difference....

What a difference a day makes!

I was so happy to see the sun today. I can't remember when I saw it last. Blue skies and sunshine wahoo!!!! I went over to the park and got this incredible shot with the blue sky and trees reflecting off the water. I took a nice walk while I was there and sucked in all that fresh air and sunshine. It did me a world of good.

I also stopped to get my hair trimmed and that always gives me a lift. I keep trying to let it grow a little longer and it gets to a certain length and I just can't do anything with it. I go back and forth with wanting it to be long enough to pull back when I don't want to fuss with it but then I think my face is much too round to not have any hair framing it. I feel like a pumpkin head without my hair! However, come summer time I do wish I had the option of sticking my hair on top of my head when it's hot.
Even though it was very bright and sunny today, it wasn't exactly warm. It was quite windy and we have another storm coming by midweek. I sure hope it misses us and blows out to sea!

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