Weekday Sunday

I piled it on today, making it feel like a weekday. I like to think of Sunday as a day of rest, but, really all days sort of fade, one into the next,
I intended to make a weekly soup and pudding for my ailing neighbor, but by dinner last night, decided to get up early today and finish it up then. But, I slept in, a real rarity, and not something I like, and the rest of the day was pushing and rushing. A nice part of walking a couple of blocks with soup, is the chance to see his daughter who is living with him now, and a chance to see other neighbors for quick chats and catch-ups.  After a good FaceTime with SoozaDay and MisterS, we headed for Marianna's backyard plant sale and birthday party, before joining the crowds at the Convention Center for my 5:30 second covid vaccine. I'm fully vaccinated now, feeling relieved and impatient for some actual, visible changes - like seeing peoples's faces.

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