Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

One Year On.

The world has kept on spinning throughout the pandemic even though at times it has seemed like time has stopped. Days have been filled with uncertainty and questions about the great unknown.

Cities became ghost towns, classrooms changed beyond belief and offices became a table at home. Buses and trains drove their routes with barely any passengers aboard and tourist attractions doors remained closed.

We've all had to find resilience and determination to overcome the frustration of restrictions and poor decision making. We've had to persevere and keep smiling through many cancellations and months without seeing those we love the most.

The losses are huge; loved ones, businesses, learning, jobs, careers...the road to recover won't be an easy one but there are positives to take from this time.

I think we've all learnt that the warm feeling of a hug or seeing the smile on your sister's (or whoever!) face whilst you natter away are far more important than anything else.

Together we'll continue to battle through until we reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Together we are stronger.

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