Peter May

Today's the day ......................... to listen in

So enjoyed the webinar this evening featuring our very own Peter May - Scottish author of great repute, talking about his latest book 'The Night Gate'.

I've long been a fan of his books but I can't remember when it was that someone told me that he was actually a blipper.  Needless to say, I immediately went and found him and I've been following his interesting journal ever since.  He did write recently that the idea of writing 'The Night Gate' came out of a blip that he had done at the start of Lockdown last year.

It was very interesting to hear how the book had developed and about the research that he had undertaken to write it.  It was just like having a conversation with him.  And when his dog wandered into the room and flopped down behind his chair - I knew right away that it was Daftie ......................!


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