Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Stop and stare...

Yawn....stretch...the usual stuff....head out and defrost the car....join the traffic....indicate and turn onto the road of boredom......

"Use the force Luke, trust your feelings"

I turned off the road into a little lane, a lane that I had often wondered about the view across the fen, parked the car and went for a walk.

Onto frosty ground, grass crunching under my feet. The air was so clear, my breath hung in cloudy puffs like a steam train. Down to the river, onto the boardwalk, stop........stare......breathe in and out for a while.

Peace....the sound of the traffic whispered into nothing, taken away by some spirit who favoured my efforts. Silence...but sound came through, birdsong and the tinkling of wings across water.

Drink it all in, with a thirst that comes from desert dryness, a hunger for this moment that will keep me nourished for the years to come, written into the pages of my soul, a memory with substance....power.

A busy day ahead, time to get moving. Work then out with our dearest friends...

This is going to be a good day...(I hope)

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