
Three hundred weeks of Abstract Thursday, Ingeborg has done an awesome job week after week giving us such interesting themes. Thanks so much, you’re a star.  Because of this milestone her theme today is “abstract party”.
Party to me represents colour, like “paint the town red with colours”.  This started off with various sheets of paper of vibrant colours. And somehow it’s ended up like this.....party on Abstracters. 
Our Smooch lost his manliness today, poor lad.....he’s doing ok, been a bit wobbly but coming right.  Another night kept in the garage the vet said. He loathed being in the car, and noises I’ve never ever heard coming from a cat when we were at the vet.  It was like leaving your first born at kindy on the first day!!!
It’s a year today that NZ went into Level 4 lockdown for four weeks with a warning given a couple of days before hand to get organised and get our supplies in.  Our borders were closed except for returning NZ citizens (supposedly) Since that day 26 deaths relating to the virus and 30,000 New Zealanders have lost their jobs. We as a country have successfully kept the virus at bay but to the detriment of our economy ..... we’re treading water, just waiting for the green light to open borders with Australia (without quarantine).  What a year, and more to come I fear. .  


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