
By flying


.....nothing dramatic just soft delicious shades hugging the horizon, simply breathtaking.

I had the beach to myself, so peaceful as waves rolled into shore. A light cool breeze kept me on the move as flocks of geese called out in the distance. I ambled amongst the sand dunes, so much has changed since I was last here, I swear there are new dunes evolving, the light was magic, so golden. At the river mouth the Ashley River currently has a huge sweeping curve, almost coming back upon itself before meeting the Pacific Ocean. Low tide reveals a maze of pools and a textured landscape, always surprising what one finds.

Not too many photos taken today, my battery went flat at the river mouth and I didn't have my spare, I trudged back taking a few shots with my phone however it's not so good capturing wildlife.

My extras show a closer shot of the landscape before sunrise, golden light on grasses with a view of the river on the left and the ocean on the right, a textured landscape and pools of water.

Happy Friday everyone :)

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