Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

The Colour Monster

Bbbrrrr it's turned chilly out there... definitely a hat, scarves and gloves job on my evening stroll. However, it's been bright and breezy after a wet and wild start.

Today's blip is a collage of the writing my class have produced based on the book The Colour Monster. In the centre is the display I've created using a mix of their written work and art work.

The Colour Monster is a lovely, lovely book. One day the Colour Monster wakes up feeling all confused. His emotions and feelings are all over the place!! He feels angry, calm, happy, sad and scared all at the same time. To help him, a girl shows him what each feeling means through colour and put them into their own separate jars.

The children have written speech bubbles to explain the confusion felt by the monster, made their own little feeling jars and picked one of the feelings to think about what makes them feel that way. They've also picked a feeling not featured in the book and made a jar for it, putting in things associated with that emotion. Today they designed their own Colour Monster. It's been great!

Happy Weekend!

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