Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Quiet Ramble!

Such a gorgeous day again today and it was a pleasure to be able to enjoy it this evening on my stroll. It was quiet out and about with just a handful of people also enjoying the fresh air. I love walking across the fields that are literally on my door step. I'm incredibly lucky.

A busy day in school today with 42 children in attendance. We started the day with Joe Wicks, painted and collaged our rainbows of hope and we had a pebble hunt in the wildlife area. There was also time for a trip to the trim trail for some sunshine fun. They enjoyed a dinner of fish fingers and potato wedges with sweetcorn. I quite enjoyed cooking it for everybody and then all the children helped create a production line of washing up and putting away! I'm not back in until next week now, we await a rota as the headteacher is hoping to convince parents to keep their children at home if at all possible.

I'll be opening my front door and joining in the nationwide applause at 8pm to show all the nurses, doctors, GPs and carers how much we appreciate their hard work.

I'm looking forward to a video call from the Troon Trio later, Polly will no doubt put on a show!!

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