Our Forsythsia is Bringing Bright News

It is six o‘clock in the evening now. The Churchbells are ringing. I will follow the calling by writing these lines in a mood of love, hope and inspiration. Outside again a heavy shower is raging from the West. I just stood up and looked through the window. Amazing; there somewhere over Westphalia a bright foggy sun is shining, while here the cold wet winds are  blowing through the rivervalley. And now already the sky is clearing. Blue spots. Well, that has been a very short temper tantrum.
After finishing this journal, I will add my new picture to the extras. 

This entire Saturday has been an unpredictable alternation of stormy showers and short periods of sunshine. I even had lunch on the balcony! But I didnot walk down to town and the local Super. No lust for climbing back up with a heavy backpack and eventually being soaked.
So, after the moving and fatiguing events of yesterday, I enjoyed the relative calm of today. Yes, I have done my research work in my library, very revealing and facilitating my mourning process. I told you yesterdays scenes had been confrontational. But as you will understand Willemiens death has had a profound consoling effect on the way I deal with my primary relation with my parents. Its All Hands On Deck now. No time anymore for cultivating old mishaps and conflicts.

We work on Love&Peace Now. Life has become too short. Even without this ongoing Covid-Pandemic. Indeed, we are living through very inspiring and conscious raising times now. But in fact we are all put under pressure to realize the calling of our true self. Which has been the situation given to us from the moment we were born. Thankyou for your kind attention and may you all have a good weekend.

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