
Can't be long now - poor poppet. Although I've taken several semi feral garden cats to the vet in recent months, I didn't manage to catch her before she got in the 'family way'. I hope it's a small litter, there are already far too many cats here. She sleeps a lot on my front porch, inside or on top of the cat box. Maybe she'll choose to have her babies here, then I'll have even more mouths to feed....

I planned not to teach online today, hoping to be able to go out, but in the end I've been home alone all day. Sorted some of my stuff in storage with the vague idea that I might somehow transport both 'stuff' and self back home to the UK in the not too distant future. Spend some time studying my current online course on teaching Business English. No walk today - in spite of the sunshine, the wind is window rattling ferocious and the temperature uninviting. After eating my currently frozen pizza I think I'll watch an episode or two of Poirot on YouTube and knit, or not.

Covid numbers in Turkey are back up, seriously so. Aydin province is now lock down red as is most of the country. Weekend incarceration 9pm Friday till 5am Monday recommences with the beginning of Ramadan 13th April. Till then the window of opportunity for excursions still beckons....

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