Indecent Exposure

By Mahf00d

The K-hole

Haven't got a photo yesterday, damn!

So, did my project draft report, at least till the sun came out in full force and I decided to say fuck it! Well, I said fuck it quite late as it was almost gone by the time I got out of F211.

Later tagged along with Axel and Stá?a at Kelseys, and watched the end of a football game (Man U and Real) had a couple pints (Yeah, about Lent...) and some nice break from sitting in front of the screen mashing up words on the keyboard, which I desperately needed, like really!

And now I'm blipping slightly tipsy (which I don't think I ever done, it's really fun!), but I managed to spell "desperately" above right first time so not sure how "tipsy" I really am.

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