
By ayearinthelife

White Flag

Our house has resembled a sweatshop recently. Though without the child labour. Mrs C’s W.I. has decided to create a permanent reminder of what they have been through in the last twelve months. Members will be given a pennant and asked to decorate it as they see fit. When all are done, they will be sewn together to produce bunting.
As one of the committee, Mrs C’s role has been to produce some of the basic, unadorned pennants (140 odd required) and we have seen a frenzy of marking, ironing and cutting out over the past few days. After doing about 60, she decided she had done her share and they have now been passed on for distribution to the members. It will be interesting to see the finished article in due course.
A much colder day today, though still with a fair bit of sun. I went into town earlier on in order to get the new glasses adjusted again (better, but still not quite right) and was quite shocked at how many people there were just wandering aimlessly about. Surely there must be something else for bored teens and mums with toddlers to do, other than wander around past shops that aren’t going to be open for at least ten days. And without wishing to stereotype, it must also be said that McDonald’s and Greggs were doing a roaring trade....
Slightly more surprising was the queue outside M&S. From what I saw and overheard, the queues at the tills were building up so they were having to stop entry to the store until the situation eased. Not sure why it was so busy - they are open tomorrow and Saturday. Some might say it is because the second home owners are up in the Lakes for the weekend (even though it’s still against the law) and were stocking up. I couldn’t possibly comment. I’m sure the increased number of non-local cars in the car park is entirely coincidental....

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