Taking Care of Good Friday

Why do we have Good Friday, while the same day is named Kar-Freitag? I don’t know if Kar and Care have the same roots. Kar in Old-German means Sorrow. Because of the Crucifixion. And for that same reason we say Good. Meaning Holy or Sacred. The Sacrificial death of Christ is meant as redemptive for us all. Especially while followed by the coming of Resurrection.
For the greater part of my life Good Friday and Eastern have a very serious and deeply felt meaning. Not in the context of participating in church service. Neither in the sense of any special theological dogma. No, just as an eternal, vivid and fundamental symbolic happening, core event. I have often tried to experience synchronicity in these days. Often that failed.
My point still is that you can try to experience your own suffering in the light of the Via Dolorosa. And feel in humility what an unspeakable and great and wonderful Gift to the World has been and still is offered to us. Instead of acting out Covid-Idiocy and hateful protest against Corona-Restrictions, we still have the opportunity to experience and reflect in pious meditation what kind of loving  patience we could learn from our Faithful Suffering G’d.
This afternoon I read Bonhoefers Breviary on these Holy Days. And I felt very much in touch with his short meditative spiritual hints. At least it gave me a deep inner satisfaction to have the priviledge and time to participate in this spiritual world of ultimate value. It is our humanity that still is at stake. Do we seriously have the courage to hear the essential calling towards that Goodness of Good Friday? By empathic learning from the meaningfull Suffering – Kar- of the Other?

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