Our New Dutch Garden Corner

A hot and sunny day today. Full of gardenactivities. Phonecalls with friends and last Eastern shopping here in town. Beautiful yellow flowers, small plants. Papers to read on Sunday. Then I heard from my Dutch friends that this afternoon an important Parliamentary discussion would be held. Superficially I had read in some digital reports that a kind of post-election-crisis had been caused by a very unfortunate foto.
It happens often on politically important moments that press-photographers catch  handwritten notes carried casually but clearly visible. Secret notes with shocking content. Remarks about a wellknow and respected representative. Shocking news. The position of the post-election demissionary- PM is definitively in question. Will he still become the next PM? As the leader of the greatest party?
Even in this moment of journalwriting, the parliamentary discussion is still going on. And with one ear in Holland, I try to tell you how my day has been. Well, I feel fine. Enjoying the richness and and diversity of life in all its concreteness. So, just here in Carlsheaven, Our springtime garden, asking for extra water. Arranging the facilities on balcony and terrace, cleaning the house and so on.
Meanwhile I feel content to follow Dutch Politics now and then from a great distance. Having the possibility to compare the devellopments in Germany, France, UK and US. All this happens under severe pandemic conditions and insecurities. Ultimately I can choose what relative perspective will need my attention. In short, not feeling urged  to stay involved in one specific perspective, German or Dutch or French. Or European for instance. So, I simply  can walk away, turn off the TV, click away the digital newspaper and enjoy my garden work. Or more simply, to go to bed. As I will do now. Goodnight and good luck Dutch politics!

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