Happy Day

I have 3 very tired dogs now - they have had the best day!

Xmas had a play-date with Vera, the Podengo this morning. They played for 1½ hours and then we left and went to my sister's for lunch. 

In the afternoon, I took Xmas and Tango for a trip to the Garden Centre - one at at time. Just to get them used to a busy environment. 

We came back to my sister's for cake and coffee and the dogs played and played and played. 

I put my dogs in the car whilst we had dinner - they were exhausted and needed a break. 

Home now..... the boy have been fed, Xmas and Tango played for a little bit and now it is bedtime. 

We left home at 8 AM and came back at 9.30 PM.

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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