I've been working at the Railway

All the live long day as the song goes. Flat out this morning as there was a huge weekend in Timaru of Holden Cars of all ages from all around NZ and they came out this morning as part of their country tour. My word there was some amazing cars but I was too busy to go and photograph them. Many of them rode on the train
Today it was Kiwi and friends, when The Thomas franchise got too expensive  to do a Thomas weekend the railway set up there own NZ thing . There was a massive Kiwi and the guy in the suit handed out Easter eggs to all the children. There was face painting and free popcorn and a bouncy castle for the children and much more.
I am down there all day tomorrow again so will be tired by the end of the day. My lovely neighbor cooked my evening meal for me  and sent me home with the leftovers for tomorrow night. I love doing it but at my age quite wearing
The engine for the weekend is the D16 even older than our AB699 but doesnt look so impressive. But thats just my view. One of the extras is a young guard in training being taught by the older gentleman in the doorway. The young ones are all so eager and love getting dressed up to do their part at weekends such as this.
Met a young family riding the train today who came from Kidderminster in the UK. Told her I had been on the Severn Railway trip and of course she knew it well. They have lived in NZ for the past two years was glad to be here 
Always meet interesting people down there and lots of lovely little kids

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