Well they're not .......

...... Diamonds!

My daughter and Son in Law gave me these primulas on Friday for the Diamond W/ Anniversary ( that would have been?) so the centre of each one represents a diamond, how thoughtful is that. Thank you K& A . Of course always on the look out for a surprise, at a point when I was out of the way the ornamental garden Duck disappeared ( not that I noticed) then on Easter Day I was presented with the revamped Duck complete with fresh beak!! What would you do with 'em hey!
Well in the space of 2 and a half hours we've had wind/ sun/ snowflakes / spots of rain / sun . The wind is now blowing, what change after yesterday , sitting in the garden will be a no no today I feel.
However , enjoy your day blippers as long as it's in safety. There were still crowds head to head of people about yesterday I here.

Thoughtful ...... of how fortunate I am with so many wonderful friends ( even the virtual ones) & family . Sure do appreciate them all.

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