Not Merry's best day

Merry had an appointment for dental work today, cleaning and some extractions. Abyssinians are known for having bad teeth. We've been waiting quite a while for the appointment, the feline dentist services multiple clinics.  We dropped her off at 8, I was a nervous wreck. 

Too soon after we got home, the vet called. They did a routine blood panel( you can see the shaved place on her neck), and one of her liver enzymes was quite elevated. A sudden change from her yearly check up in January.  So, no tooth work today, a blood panel has been sent out and the vet will know more tomorrow, she hopes. If not it will mean another abdominal shave to look at her gall bladder and liver with an ultrasound. 

Of course we are a wreck, but I asked the vet(with Covid, they come out to the car to chat) if she has seen something like this before and she said, "God yes, all the time with cats." Sometimes it goes down on its own, and we never know." It could be a thyroid condition, a gallbladder infection, a benign cyst on her liver, or something from her skin meds, but the liver value elevated that wouldn't indicate that. She is not acting sick  at all which the vet noted. We'll hopefully know something tomorrow. 

My anxiety is centered around cat health issues after Raspberry's sudden illness, so I'm trying all my stress management tricks and crossing my fingers. She was thrilled to have a big lunch after no food allowed after midnight last night because of the scheduled dental work. She has a lot of tidying up to do and every loose hair is everywhere here now after her stressful morning. It's definitely time for a long nap.

For the Record, 
This day came in cooler and cloudy.

All hands worried.

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