Blissfully unaware

Merry doesn't know about her upcoming ultrasound tomorrow. If she did, she would be online, ordering an abdominal wig to cover the buzz haircut she will soon be sporting.

We had an email with a lot to digest from her vet this morning. The bloodwork showed elevated liver values, but her CBC, Complete Blood Count was normal. 

Things to be ruled out, Pancreatitis, which can be lethal in cats. This afternoon the FLP test came back normal, it's a test for pancreatitis that can cause liver enzymes to go up. Phew!

Tomorrow the ultrasound will focus on her liver looking for a benign cyst or some other mass. If her liver looks normal, Atopica, the drug she takes for her skin issues could be the culprit. She has had some trouble with this drug before and the capsule was decreased to every other day. The vet would cut back more, to every three days and then retest her blood in 3 weeks.

We're still very worried, but some of my stress melted away after hearing that the FLP test for pancreatitis was normal. The treatments sounded like something we would not put her through. 

Merry's acting absolutely like her normal self, so we shall hope for the best. I drop her off at 9, see my Acupuncturist tomorrow at 11( another lucky break) and she should be set to be picked up at 2ish. Tomorrow I celebrate being fully immunized with the Pfizer vaccine. I hope that good luck is doubled with good news about Merry.

For the Record, 
This day came in cloudy, but the sun has broken through this afternoon. Thank you to all thinking good thoughts for our little cinnamon roll. She's such an interesting and brilliant little animal.

All hands wary.

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