Happy Easter

There was snow in the air this morning meaning it was a gaffers day (as my old dad’s friend used to say) as you had to work hard to keep warm outside.

We make compost at home in two bins. One bin is gently decomposing while the other is the active bin where all the new stuff is put. Today I emptied the finished compost into bags and turned the contents of active bin into the other, now empty bin. We’ll use the compost to mix 50/50 with bought peat free for the tomatoes and as a mulch.

The clouds cleared around lunch time and although it remained cold is turned very sunny. The sun was warm on your back while your face, ears and nose were nipped by the icy winds as we walked up onto the North Downs for the first time this year.

Today’s blip is the last opportunity for posting Susan’s Easter offerings; her display of eggs and a chick and her Easter card.

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