
Another early start with the Jedi this morning. But it meant I had tonight's dinner made by half 6. And I batch cooked enough chickpea curry for three nights.

My friend and her son came round so that the Wildlings could go out on their bikes to a park. It's been a wild day weather wise . We've had snow, sunshine and wind. It was freezing but they had a blast and we were out for a couple of hours.

I have felt quite tired this last week . I think it must be a side effect from my vaccine. But I could seriously do with curling up in my bed. But it's now feeding time at the zoo and then I have a busy time until Mr R comes home. I mgt put the Wildlings to bed earlier so I can relax a little. Because I know Mr R will get home after half 7.

It's been quite a good day which I'm thankful for . X

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