
By Kaysha

Uh oh...she's back!

...and pointing that flamin' camera in my face again. Gerrof, mum!!!

I couldn't stay away too long and have decided, for now, that I'll be a weekly blipper. Rob has been informed that he will become a 'Wednesday Widower', which he seems quite happy with, so all I need to do now is persuade the kids that they really do love life in front of the lens. That is where I have my work cut out - Miss A was clearly not impressed with me dusting down the camera again today.

So, a summary of the week:

- Miss A started ballet. Me: What did you do today? Miss A: Marching. Me: Hmmmm.

- Little D has just completed day 5 of wearing 'big boy pants' and day 2 of no accidents - yeehaaaaa!

- Two little people have developed a fascination for unravelling the loo roll, dumping large quantities of it down the toilet and wetting the other half to create 'cotton wool balls' all over the house. Grrrr.

- Little D is mastering the art of manipulation 'I'm crying mummy, I'm crying!'

- Miss A marvelled at my ability to write the number 4 'I can't believe you're so clever!'

- BBQ season appears to have started. Next door neighbour grilling in temperature of 3 degrees and near darkness. Bonkers.

- Little D has added a sound effect to his repertoir and is using it to great effect on a regular basis. Not sure how it translates written down but it's a sharp intake of breath and shocked 'eeeeeee' sound. Me: Do you want peas with that? D: Eeeee!

- We have a ghost. Eeeeeee!

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