Things To Make And Do

By Ruthsowandsew


It's time for... Things In My Garden Thursday.

Today's thing is this pot of snakes' head fritillaries (a name I always want to add a few extra 'ers' into and call snakes' head fritillar-er-er-er-er-ies, for some reason).

These came with me from the last house where my garden was a tiny yard with pots, and I think I probably originally planted the bulbs in autumn 2009. All I do is top the compost up each year once the foliage dies back, and they just keep coming up and flowering every April, and have now spread into a border nearby. I love them.

The extra shot is a hydrangea in crap fancy dress as a ghost, the poor thing is in a somewhat exposed condition in front of a north east facing fence, and seems to be very vulnerable to spring frosts that always leave it looking bedraggled and sorry for itself, so I've fleeced it until things warm up again. 

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