A sad day

Today we heard the news that Prince Phillip Duke of Edinburgh died in his sleep. As a nation our thoughts will be with the Queen who will be incredibly sad.

I spotted this flower yesterday. It looks to be a Lilia of some sort. Planted by the wind or birds and certainly not by me. I have no idea what it is but it is yellow and very delicate with big leaves.
I decided to declutter the bathroom. Threw lots of out of date medicines away(taken to pharmacy) and threw out loads of very old sun cream. A basket went to because it cracked as I washed it and the bucket shich held stuff was repurposed in the greenhouse to hold seeds. Then got a call to help the neighbour with us decluttering. That meant garden tools reassigned to our shed along with some very useful terracotta pots. He has almost filled a very large skip snd thinks he made need another . Such a shame as he threw out a very old but very good German made scissor book cabinet. It was beautiful but no one wants brown furniture these days

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