The day to start is today

By Traci

We never really grow up.

We only learn how to act in public

The tissue paper Mother's day flowers went well. When you are working with groups repeating the instructions it becomes hard after awhile to remember whether I have given that group the instruction or was it the group before. Amazing how different the abilities are of children too, the ones who are really trying soooooo hard to accomplish the task themselves so Mum can see how hard they have worked on a gift for them, and sadly those who would rather you just do it for them and refuse to listen. Thankfully this year we are a class full to overflowing of enthusiasm (that does not mean they listen 100% of the time) but they DO try. Children do not seem to know how to make simple things now a days? There should be a 'switch off your laptops and play with card, paper, scissors and glue day' EVERY week. It is not given time at home and it most definitely not given an important role in school (unless you are lucky enough to work with my class teacher thankfully) Is it because teachers themselves lack the time and lose the enthusiasm to be creative?

Well from one l....o.....n.....g day of creativity at school. This evening I went along to capture some pictures of the local Guides at their Mums/Aunties/Nans pamper evening, a local beautician had given her time to the unit over the last few weeks and taught the girls to massage and manicure hands and feet. Then the girl's invited guest had come along this evening to be pampered. Hot chocolate, coffees ... biscuits .... not a chore to come along this evening at all. They all seemed to be having a fantastic time and guests impressed too. The nails (not real I hasten to add) are the girls creations for a competition, the one slightly out to the side was second (not badly arranged) and the winner by this point had disappeared. The designs were incredible, especially when you appreciate the girls are between 10 and 14.

Gym comp this weekend, so I must go and sort out the gym bag and kit contained within to prevent any complete last minute packing traumas tomorrow. Ughhhh

PS Youngest daughter is the gymnast - NOT moi :)

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