The day to start is today

By Traci

I'm not sure if life is passing me by

or trying to run over me?

No I am not wearing odd socks, they are just different. I haven't worn a matching pair for as long as I can remember - and that goes back a fair while. Even to this day it causes a stir, which I don't exactly understand, but hey ho some people think it's quirky, I think it's because having had years of worrying about matching pairs of socks, enjoying when the girls used to love helping and playing the very useful matching game with Mum. Not too long after when they were 'too busy' I just left them too it with socks piled in a basket after washing and drying. As our feet all became the same size .. so did my sock collection diminish. Then the styles of my socks became more embarrassing so they would not disappear so quickly.

But this was not all the story behind the odd socks !!! Oh no there was more to it. We Guide Dog Puppy walked for a good number of years and a fair few of the pups seemed to like to eat socks, I was not interested in those socks return! (some were gone for days - ahem) but during the course of those few years, I lost the will to find the 'missing' sock, what were the chances of finding it anyway? So the style started and I do find it amusing as to how many people wonder if they should tell me. Sort of shuffle about and almost mention it but then decide not too. Or if they do tell me are relieved that I knew all along !!

It does make me wonder about lots of people whose personal style is quite radical and how people react to them, my odd sock image is tame and I still get a reaction from people, we do feel more comfortable with those who conform to the norm - rather than those of us who take it to the max and go ODD.

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