A right character

This is Bruce. He belongs to a settler family that came here many many years ago. The family owns several buildings in the village and rents them out to businesses. Bruce now lives on Vancouver Island but comes over now and then to do some work on the old house that he used to live in. No one lives there now. The plan was to sell the house to the ferry corporation and demolish it, but there were complications. Not sure if the complications will be resolved any time soon. 
We've known Bruce for years. He's always good for a few stories and laughs. I had gone searching for a blip while G went into the Merc for a newspaper. When I came back, Bruce was standing on one side of the road and G was on the other, and they were involved in a  discussion and laughing, both waving their hands around. I started to take a photo of Bruce and he saw me and gave me the thumbs up. G said to me that Bruce reminded him of an old Italian guy with that hat. 
I enjoyed the conversation for a few minutes then wandered around a bit more. A guy came out of the Merc, a tourist, I think, because most locals would know Bruce, and said to me, "Are those two still talking? When I drove past them and into the ferry line, they were having a conversation. I walked around a bit, went into the store for a few minutes, and here they are, still at it!" 
I said, "Yeah, they're both talkers!" 
He said, "Oh, you know them?" 
"I've known them both for years."  :-)) 
We went for a walk, had lunch, then worked in the garden for a couple of hours. A good day.  

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