
By Veronica

Mellow yellow

The lovely little Banksia roses are busting out all over. I grabbed a blip in St Laurent where I had to go to drop off a parcel, taking the opportunity to do some shopping while I was there.

I made a delicious apple, cheese, caramelised onion and bacon risotto for lunch. The plastic box of what I thought was chicken stock in the freezer turned out to be celeriac soup, so I had to use a stock cube for the risotto and it was still good. We had some pears poached in spiced wine made by S for afters -- they were very good too. Soup for dinner then!

I have made a start on my sourdough baguettes, using a recipe from the Facebook group. It's a long-winded process. Currently I have a bowl of gloopy dough at room temperature, which will go into the fridge overnight. Watch this space ...

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