The Shed

Goodness, how an old photo can bring memories flooding back!  This gem was taken back around 1960 in Surrey, England.  That's me at my glamourous best, sporting National Health glasses, my anorak hood cinched tightly around my head, and gleefully wearing muddy wellington boots.  My older sister squats behind me plotting my demise.

It wasn't long after this image was taken that I was dared by said sister to jump off the roof of that corrugated iron shed you see us posing next to.  She said that if I did, I could play with her and one of her playmates.  Like an idiot, I eagerly agreed to my part of the bargain -- only to crash land and badly sprain my ankle.  My lovely sibling then warned me not to tell our mother what had happened ... "or else!"  For the rest of that day I hobbled around painfully but silently.  It wasn't until our father came home from work that evening that he noticed how swollen and blue my poor ankle was!  I never did rat on my sister, but I also never trusted her after that episode.

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