Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Holiday - day 1

Early start (for a day off), Caleb arrived bright and early for breakfast. After breakfast he and I took the dogs for a walk whilst grandad worked. His heart wasn’t in the walk as he wanted to go to the park. We compromised, shorter than planned walk with the dogs ending with the park! :)

My hairdresser came at lunchtime, lovely to see her and for her to make sense of my hair - worked out she last visited 10 September (7 months!!). Feels lovely now, decided to stick with the natural grey look ....... match my age later this year :)

This afternoon we played with the play d*h - it is a murky khaki now but this didn’t deter Caleb. Nanny spent time cutting out people, shapes etc whereas Caleb want to cut and “smash” the PD and make a general mess. Good afternoon :)

Grandad cooked tea early, as it was bath and then bed. :)


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