Standard Lamp

Another fabulous day. Warm in that sun, a bit nippy out of it. Which it why it’s especially cheering that the neighbour’s birch got mistakenly lopped a year back. The errant tree surgeon assured said neighbour that it would grow back. “Sadly” that doesn’t seem to be happening <insert happy face emoji here>.
I did a bit of gardening myself, but at the other end of the scale, just planting out some broccoli and beans in seed trays. And mid-afternoon who arrived but the son, on a day off and cycling around with his new sharp haircut. 
What else is going on? Cameron! Caught at last, with his fingers in the till like some common criminal, and him a posh boy too. Something at last to unite the country. Boris can’t stand him, Starmer can’t stand him. All we remoaners hate him. Let’s scrag him!!! 

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