Pretty As A Picture

It’s our 44th Anniversary today so Tess & I met up with Kate & Sophie at Knightshayes, the NT property near Tiverton. Chris is back working full time so couldn’t join us. Sophie enjoyed doing the Easter trail there, which was really interesting, informative and well thought out. It started off in the formal gardens then took us through the woodland where this natural willow frame was one of the stopping off points.

We had a picnic lunch then had a stroll through the parkland. Sophie had brought her camera with her and we had great fun comparing shots. In extras is one that Sophie took of Tess, Kate and me.

On the way back, Tess & I stopped off in Tiverton to check on the bench we had installed in memory of her Mum & Dad outside the flat they used to live in. It’s obviously been well cared for by the current residents. We picked up a takeaway meal from M&S to celebrate with tonight. We’re having a few days away in Devon next week so it will be a bit f an extended celebration.

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