Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Friday — 4500

I looked for a house or commercial building with the number — 4500 — but it was not to be found in this small beach community on California’s Central Coast, so the letters in our Scrabble game brought the solution.

To say that 4500 blips is a little overwhelming is an understatement. I know that I have one missing blip from several months ago that I’ll fill in one of these days and I have a few blips that predate my actual first blip, but as far as I know, I have blipped every date since starting on January 5, 2009.

My journal is s treasure and the Blip community is too. I think that blippers are some of the nicest people in the entire world. Blipfoto is the tip-top best of all social media and the wonderful people at BlipCentral are amazing and they do magic behind the screen. I always want to give a huge “Thank You” to Joe Tree who started this one-of-kind-place . . . Joe, I’m so grateful you birthed this photo/journal/blog.

After the first 3-years of being completely addicted to this daily habit, I kept blipping but decreased my daily hours here. Not quite a year ago, I retired after 30 years of teaching full-time at community college; I enjoy 4 great-grandchildren; Mr. Fun & I live part-time at the beach, and with wounded hearts we’ve said goodbye to two pups, Bob dog and then just a year ago Max.

Thank you to everyone who has read this far. Thank YOU to those of you who comment and/or leave Stars and/or Hearts — this is such an encouraging place because of you.

God bless you,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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