and through the wire...

By hesscat

Dream Come True

Despite the lack of sun, we took our first opportunity in a long time to go to the beach. On arrival at Yellowcraig's car park, a family leaving offered us their parking ticket which was really nice, it's only £2 but so thoughtful. 

Ever since Arlo came to us 3 months ago, Ms H has longed to take him to the beach and play in the sea. Several of my blips show him in training in rivers, fetching sticks, getting deeper each time. When he was younger we took him to a reservoir with waves, which spooked him a bit, but at the beach initially he avoided the waves coming in, and after throwing a stick in, off he went. I think now he associates water with fetching sticks, to the point he was a bit lost when he didn't have one. He never went deeper than his belly, who knows if he'll swim but someone's going to have to get wet me thinks to find out (not me).

Post walk it was off for some fush'n'chips and ice cream and back home he was in the shower a bit hesitantly, but once the warm water was over him he loved it. Fun day despite no sun day.

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