and through the wire...

By hesscat

Doing Me Proud

I have no involvement with this part of our garden, but every year they keep coming up and making me smile. 

We 2-carred it into it into the big smoke today, first time I have been in for like 5 weeks. It was busier than I expected, but people seem to be following all the rules queuing outside shops etc. Given how long it's going to be like this, and any relaxation will be gradual, with masks I am sure, that's probably reassuring

Aye so we were in to remove all Mrs H's belongings from her flat because we don't see her using it again until September at the soonest, no point in wasting money when she probably won't be able to get a job to pay for it! We packed everything up then hoovered it all, probably the first time since last year! Luckily everything fitted into 2 cars and we didn't need to come back - it felt it took many trips to fill the flat!

I was up and down those stairs so many times, I forgot to create a just giving funding page to encourage donations for a worthy cause since everyone is at it, but don't worry it's not too late, I did like 10 trips up and down but you're welcome to donate what you want here:

It's raised a fair few bob already!

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