Collapsed and content!

After another busy day in the garden, for all three of us, Reg is now happy to sleep and protect his play ring! He was playing with it with Barry then suddenly stopped, laid down on it as if to say "that's enough now, I'm done!" He's such a funny boy sometimes. 
I spent the day repotting and planting and generally keeping my fingers crossed that all these seeds will amount to something edible later in the summer!
Tomorrow I have two zoom meetings: the one I will be celebrating with my fellow WW my new healthy me. The other I will be joining the funeral of my lovely Angie to say a fond farewell, but hopefully also celebrating her life. I'm hoping to do them both outside in the sunshine. This will feel very fitting for Angie as I have so many happy memories of days in the sun with her; she really loved the sun ☀️☀️

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