Fig Tree II

Fig tree I (one) before the fire and after can be seen in the extras. It is interesting to see the old fence which we hated and weren't sorry to see go, although a less extreme approach than almost burning it down would have been appreciated.  The first fig tree was only about two years old and was bearing its first crop of figs at the time of the fire. The new one is just now getting its first crop of leaves....Our bedroom door can be seen in the main picture. I was standing right in front of the new fence to try and getter a better light on my subject. It's still a bit overexposed, but that conveys the feeling of how hot it can get out there, especially now that the arbor is gone. Spike, my constant shadow has photobombed the shot as usual.

The men have all gone off on various pursuits, most involving wine and/or beer while I procured ant poison, dog food and some obscure pieces of irrigation hardware which John has been obsessing about for a week. There's a fifty/fifty chance that I got the right thing....and if I did, a fifty/fifty chance that he can fix the pipe in his current state of disability.

He was able to determine that the last one was the wrong size so he should be able to see if the one I got is any better. With any luck he can start putting weight on his foot (I suspect he already is) and running his own errands. In the meantime, it has been such a pleasure having Matt here to keep him busy and make us laugh.

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