
By Munni


Sorry for the German plant name in the title, but Corydalis cava doesn’t seem to have an English name, as it isn’t native to the British isles.
I remember how my mother and I dug out some tubers of this flower at a building site, before the ground was dug up and concreted over. We planted the tubers in a shady spot of her garden, about 20 years ago. 

Now they form a huge carpet of flowers every spring, and every day she’s surprised to see their splendour, having forgotten the flowers‘ name and how we once rescued the plants.

I did her weekly grocery shopping today and stayed for coffee with her carer, whose son and two teenaged grandchildren I met for the first time today (strictly outdoors and well distanced, of course). We chatted and enjoyed the rare pleasure of meeting someone outside of the usual, small bubble of our families.

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