Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Today the cuckoo was calling as Jorgie and I walked across the golf course and heathland. We also counted several Swallows and a few House Martin busy collecting some mud from one of the last remaining puddles.

As we turned downhill on the homeward path, Jorgie suddenly pulled backwards on her lead. I was astounded and shocked to see her straining  to sniff an adder crossing the road. It must have come out of the leaf litter on the side of the road just as we passed it. Without her I would have missed it. 
I struggled to get my phone out of my backpack while keeping a tight hold on Jorgie. Frustratingly I couldn't find it. Only as the snake disappeared into the grass on the opposite side of the road, did I realise that my phone was in my back pocket of my jeans. DOH!

Later in the day I went up to Humber to wander around the fields. There wasn't much happening so ended the day with a photo of a rather splendid chicken.

Loading this a day late again because of CC meeting last night.

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